Common segments

VCS submodule

powerline.segments.common.vcs.branch(ignore_statuses=(), status_colors=False)

Return the current VCS branch.

  • status_colors (bool) – Determines whether repository status will be used to determine highlighting. Default: False.
  • ignore_statuses (bool) – List of statuses which will not result in repo being marked as dirty. Most useful is setting this option to ["U"]: this will ignore repository which has just untracked files (i.e. repository with modified, deleted or removed files will be marked as dirty, while just untracked files will make segment show clean repository). Only applicable if status_colors option is True.

Highlight groups used: branch_clean, branch_dirty, branch.

System properties

powerline.segments.common.sys.cpu_load_percent(interval=1, format=u'{0:.0f}%', shutdown_event=None, update_first=True)

Return the average CPU load as a percentage.

Requires the psutil module.

Parameters:format (str) – Output format. Accepts measured CPU load as the first argument.

Highlight groups used: cpu_load_percent_gradient (gradient) or cpu_load_percent.

powerline.segments.common.sys.system_load(track_cpu_count=False, threshold_bad=2, threshold_good=1, format=u'{avg:.1f}')[source]

Return system load average.

Highlights using system_load_good, system_load_bad and system_load_ugly highlighting groups, depending on the thresholds passed to the function.

  • format (str) – format string, receives avg as an argument
  • threshold_good (float) – threshold for gradient level 0: any normalized load average below this value will have this gradient level.
  • threshold_bad (float) – threshold for gradient level 100: any normalized load average above this value will have this gradient level. Load averages between threshold_good and threshold_bad receive gradient level that indicates relative position in this interval: (100 * (cur-good) / (bad-good)). Note: both parameters are checked against normalized load averages.
  • track_cpu_count (bool) – if True powerline will continuously poll the system to detect changes in the number of CPUs.

Divider highlight group used: background:divider.

Highlight groups used: system_load_gradient (gradient) or system_load.

powerline.segments.common.sys.uptime(shorten_len=3, seconds_format=u' {seconds:d}s', minutes_format=u' {minutes:d}m', hours_format=u' {hours:d}h', days_format=u'{days:d}d')[source]

Return system uptime.

  • days_format (str) – day format string, will be passed days as the argument
  • hours_format (str) – hour format string, will be passed hours as the argument
  • minutes_format (str) – minute format string, will be passed minutes as the argument
  • seconds_format (str) – second format string, will be passed seconds as the argument
  • shorten_len (int) – shorten the amount of units (days, hours, etc.) displayed

Divider highlight group used: background:divider.

Network, query_url=u'')

Return external IP address.

Parameters:query_url (str) –

URI to query for IP address, should return only the IP address as a text string

Suggested URIs:

Divider highlight group used: background:divider., only_if_ssh=False)[source]

Return the current hostname.

  • only_if_ssh (bool) – only return the hostname if currently in an SSH session
  • exclude_domain (bool) – return the hostname without domain if there is one, interface=u'detect')[source]

Return internal IP address

Requires netifaces module to work properly.

  • interface (str) –

    Interface on which IP will be checked. Use detect to automatically detect interface. In this case interfaces with lower numbers will be preferred over interfaces with similar names. Order of preference based on names:

    1. eth and enp followed by number or the end of string.
    2. ath, wlan and wlp followed by number or the end of string.
    3. teredo followed by number or the end of string.
    4. Any other interface that is not lo*.
    5. lo followed by number or the end of string.
  • ipv (int) – 4 or 6 for ipv4 and ipv6 respectively, depending on which IP address you need exactly., after_update=False, key=None, shutdown_event=None, update_first=True, interface=u'detect', si_prefix=False, suffix=u'B/s', sent_format=u'UL {value:>8}', recv_format=u'DL {value:>8}')

Return the network load.

Uses the psutil module if available for multi-platform compatibility, falls back to reading /sys/class/net/interface/statistics/rx,tx_bytes.

  • interface (str) – network interface to measure (use the special value “detect” to have powerline try to auto-detect the network interface)
  • suffix (str) – string appended to each load string
  • si_prefix (bool) – use SI prefix, e.g. MB instead of MiB
  • recv_format (str) – format string, receives value as argument
  • sent_format (str) – format string, receives value as argument
  • recv_max (float) – maximum number of received bytes per second. Is only used to compute gradient level
  • sent_max (float) – maximum number of sent bytes per second. Is only used to compute gradient level

Divider highlight group used: background:divider.

Highlight groups used: network_load_sent_gradient (gradient) or network_load_recv_gradient (gradient) or network_load_gradient (gradient), network_load_sent or network_load_recv or network_load.

Current environment

powerline.segments.common.env.cwd(ellipsis=u'...', use_path_separator=False, dir_limit_depth=None, dir_shorten_len=None, shorten_home=True)

Return the current working directory.

Returns a segment list to create a breadcrumb-like effect.

  • dir_shorten_len (int) – shorten parent directory names to this length (e.g. /long/path/to/powerline/l/p/t/powerline)
  • dir_limit_depth (int) – limit directory depth to this number (e.g. /long/path/to/powerline⋯/to/powerline)
  • use_path_separator (bool) – Use path separator in place of soft divider.
  • shorten_home (bool) – Shorten home directory to ~.
  • ellipsis (str) – Specifies what to use in place of omitted directories. Use None to not show this subsegment at all.

Divider highlight group used: cwd:divider.

Highlight groups used: cwd:current_folder or cwd. It is recommended to define all highlight groups.


Return the value of any defined environment variable

Parameters:variable (string) – The environment variable to return if found

Return the current user.

Parameters:hide_user (str) – Omit showing segment for users with names equal to this string.

Highlights the user with the superuser if the effective user ID is 0.

Highlight groups used: superuser or user. It is recommended to define all highlight groups.


Return the name of the current Python virtualenv.


powerline.segments.common.bat.battery(empty_heart=u'O', full_heart=u'O', gamify=False, steps=5, format=u'{capacity:3.0%}')[source]

Return battery charge status.

  • format (str) – Percent format in case gamify is False.
  • steps (int) – Number of discrete steps to show between 0% and 100% capacity if gamify is True.
  • gamify (bool) – Measure in hearts (♥) instead of percentages. For full hearts battery_full highlighting group is preferred, for empty hearts there is battery_empty.
  • full_heart (str) – Heart displayed for “full” part of battery.
  • empty_heart (str) – Heart displayed for “used” part of battery. It is also displayed using another gradient level and highlighting group, so it is OK for it to be the same as full_heart as long as necessary highlighting groups are defined.

battery_gradient and battery groups are used in any case, first is preferred.

Highlight groups used: battery_full or battery_gradient (gradient) or battery, battery_empty or battery_gradient (gradient) or battery.

Weather, after_update=False, key=None, shutdown_event=None, update_first=True, location_query=None, temp_hottest=40, temp_coldest=-30, temp_format=None, unit=u'C', icons=None)

Return weather from Yahoo! Weather.

Uses GeoIP lookup from to automatically determine your current location. This should be changed if you’re in a VPN or if your IP address is registered at another location.

Returns a list of colorized icon and temperature segments depending on weather conditions.

  • unit (str) – temperature unit, can be one of F, C or K
  • location_query (str) – location query for your current location, e.g. oslo, norway
  • icons (dict) – dict for overriding default icons, e.g. {'heavy_snow' : u'❆'}
  • temp_format (str) – format string, receives temp as an argument. Should also hold unit.
  • temp_coldest (float) – coldest temperature. Any temperature below it will have gradient level equal to zero.
  • temp_hottest (float) – hottest temperature. Any temperature above it will have gradient level equal to 100. Temperatures between temp_coldest and temp_hottest receive gradient level that indicates relative position in this interval (100 * (cur-coldest) / (hottest-coldest)).

Divider highlight group used: background:divider.

Highlight groups used: weather_conditions or weather, weather_temp_gradient (gradient) or weather. Also uses weather_conditions_{condition} for all weather conditions supported by Yahoo.

Date and time, format=u'%Y-%m-%d')[source]

Return the current date.

  • format (str) – strftime-style date format string
  • istime (bool) – If true then segment uses time highlight group.

Divider highlight group used: time:divider.

Highlight groups used: time or date.


Display the current time as fuzzy time, e.g. “quarter past six”.

Parameters:unicode_text (bool) – If true then hyphenminuses (regular ASCII -) and single quotes are replaced with unicode dashes and apostrophes.


powerline.segments.common.mail.email_imap_alert(username, password, interval=60, after_update=False, key=None, shutdown_event=None, update_first=True, folder=u'INBOX', port=993, server=u'', max_msgs=None)

Return unread e-mail count for IMAP servers.

  • username (str) – login username
  • password (str) – login password
  • server (str) – e-mail server
  • port (int) – e-mail server port
  • folder (str) – folder to check for e-mails
  • max_msgs (int) – Maximum number of messages. If there are more messages then max_msgs then it will use gradient level equal to 100, otherwise gradient level is equal to 100 * msgs_num / max_msgs. If not present gradient is not computed.

Highlight groups used: email_alert_gradient (gradient), email_alert.

Media players

powerline.segments.common.players.clementine(state_symbols={u'fallback': u'', u'pause': u'~', u'stop': u'X', u'play': u'>'}, format=u'{state_symbol} {artist} - {title} ({total})')

Return clementine player information

Requires dbus python module.

This player segment should be added like this:

        "function": "powerline.segments.common.players.clementine",
        "name": "player"

(with additional "args": {…} if needed).

Highlight groups used: player_fallback or player, player_play or player, player_pause or player, player_stop or player.

  • format (str) –

    Format used for displaying data from player. Should be a str.format-like string with the following keyword parameters:

    Parameter Description
    state_symbol Symbol displayed for play/pause/stop states. There is also “fallback” state used in case function failed to get player state. For this state symbol is by default empty. All symbols are defined in state_symbols argument.
    album Album that is currently played.
    artist Artist whose song is currently played
    title Currently played composition.
    elapsed Composition duration in format M:SS (minutes:seconds).
    total Composition length in format M:SS.
  • state_symbols (dict) –

    Symbols used for displaying state. Must contain all of the following keys:

    Key Description
    play Displayed when player is playing.
    pause Displayed when player is paused.
    stop Displayed when player is not playing anything.
    fallback Displayed if state is not one of the above or not known.
powerline.segments.common.players.cmus(state_symbols={u'fallback': u'', u'pause': u'~', u'stop': u'X', u'play': u'>'}, format=u'{state_symbol} {artist} - {title} ({total})')

Return CMUS player information

Requires cmus-remote command be acessible from $PATH.

This player segment should be added like this:

        "function": "powerline.segments.common.players.cmus",
        "name": "player"

(with additional "args": {…} if needed).

Highlight groups used: player_fallback or player, player_play or player, player_pause or player, player_stop or player.

  • format (str) –

    Format used for displaying data from player. Should be a str.format-like string with the following keyword parameters:

    Parameter Description
    state_symbol Symbol displayed for play/pause/stop states. There is also “fallback” state used in case function failed to get player state. For this state symbol is by default empty. All symbols are defined in state_symbols argument.
    album Album that is currently played.
    artist Artist whose song is currently played
    title Currently played composition.
    elapsed Composition duration in format M:SS (minutes:seconds).
    total Composition length in format M:SS.
  • state_symbols (dict) –

    Symbols used for displaying state. Must contain all of the following keys:

    Key Description
    play Displayed when player is playing.
    pause Displayed when player is paused.
    stop Displayed when player is not playing anything.
    fallback Displayed if state is not one of the above or not known.
powerline.segments.common.players.dbus_player(player_name, state_symbols={u'fallback': u'', u'pause': u'~', u'stop': u'X', u'play': u'>'}, format=u'{state_symbol} {artist} - {title} ({total})')

Return generic dbus player state

Requires dbus python module. Only for players that support specific protocol
(e.g. like spotify() and clementine()).

This player segment should be added like this:

        "function": "powerline.segments.common.players.dbus_player",
        "name": "player"

(with additional "args": {…} if needed).

Highlight groups used: player_fallback or player, player_play or player, player_pause or player, player_stop or player.

  • format (str) –

    Format used for displaying data from player. Should be a str.format-like string with the following keyword parameters:

    Parameter Description
    state_symbol Symbol displayed for play/pause/stop states. There is also “fallback” state used in case function failed to get player state. For this state symbol is by default empty. All symbols are defined in state_symbols argument.
    album Album that is currently played.
    artist Artist whose song is currently played
    title Currently played composition.
    elapsed Composition duration in format M:SS (minutes:seconds).
    total Composition length in format M:SS.
  • state_symbols (dict) –

    Symbols used for displaying state. Must contain all of the following keys:

    Key Description
    play Displayed when player is playing.
    pause Displayed when player is paused.
    stop Displayed when player is not playing anything.
    fallback Displayed if state is not one of the above or not known.
  • player_name (str) – Player name. Used in error messages only.
  • bus_name (str) – Dbus bus name.
  • player_path (str) – Path to the player on the given bus.
  • iface_prop (str) – Interface properties name for use with dbus.Interface.
  • iface_player (str) – Player name.
powerline.segments.common.players.mpd(state_symbols={u'fallback': u'', u'pause': u'~', u'stop': u'X', u'play': u'>'}, format=u'{state_symbol} {artist} - {title} ({total})', port=6600, host=u'localhost')

Return Music Player Daemon information

Requires mpc command to be acessible from $PATH or mpd Python module.

This player segment should be added like this:

        "function": "powerline.segments.common.players.mpd",
        "name": "player"

(with additional "args": {…} if needed).

Highlight groups used: player_fallback or player, player_play or player, player_pause or player, player_stop or player.

  • format (str) –

    Format used for displaying data from player. Should be a str.format-like string with the following keyword parameters:

    Parameter Description
    state_symbol Symbol displayed for play/pause/stop states. There is also “fallback” state used in case function failed to get player state. For this state symbol is by default empty. All symbols are defined in state_symbols argument.
    album Album that is currently played.
    artist Artist whose song is currently played
    title Currently played composition.
    elapsed Composition duration in format M:SS (minutes:seconds).
    total Composition length in format M:SS.
  • state_symbols (dict) –

    Symbols used for displaying state. Must contain all of the following keys:

    Key Description
    play Displayed when player is playing.
    pause Displayed when player is paused.
    stop Displayed when player is not playing anything.
    fallback Displayed if state is not one of the above or not known.
  • host (str) – Host on which mpd runs.
  • port (int) – Port which should be connected to.
powerline.segments.common.players.rdio(state_symbols={u'fallback': u'', u'pause': u'~', u'stop': u'X', u'play': u'>'}, format=u'{state_symbol} {artist} - {title} ({total})')

Return rdio player information

Requires osascript available in $PATH.

This player segment should be added like this:

        "function": "powerline.segments.common.players.rdio",
        "name": "player"

(with additional "args": {…} if needed).

Highlight groups used: player_fallback or player, player_play or player, player_pause or player, player_stop or player.

  • format (str) –

    Format used for displaying data from player. Should be a str.format-like string with the following keyword parameters:

    Parameter Description
    state_symbol Symbol displayed for play/pause/stop states. There is also “fallback” state used in case function failed to get player state. For this state symbol is by default empty. All symbols are defined in state_symbols argument.
    album Album that is currently played.
    artist Artist whose song is currently played
    title Currently played composition.
    elapsed Composition duration in format M:SS (minutes:seconds).
    total Composition length in format M:SS.
  • state_symbols (dict) –

    Symbols used for displaying state. Must contain all of the following keys:

    Key Description
    play Displayed when player is playing.
    pause Displayed when player is paused.
    stop Displayed when player is not playing anything.
    fallback Displayed if state is not one of the above or not known.
powerline.segments.common.players.rhythmbox(state_symbols={u'fallback': u'', u'pause': u'~', u'stop': u'X', u'play': u'>'}, format=u'{state_symbol} {artist} - {title} ({total})')

Return rhythmbox player information

Requires rhythmbox-client available in $PATH.

This player segment should be added like this:

        "function": "powerline.segments.common.players.rhythmbox",
        "name": "player"

(with additional "args": {…} if needed).

Highlight groups used: player_fallback or player, player_play or player, player_pause or player, player_stop or player.

  • format (str) –

    Format used for displaying data from player. Should be a str.format-like string with the following keyword parameters:

    Parameter Description
    state_symbol Symbol displayed for play/pause/stop states. There is also “fallback” state used in case function failed to get player state. For this state symbol is by default empty. All symbols are defined in state_symbols argument.
    album Album that is currently played.
    artist Artist whose song is currently played
    title Currently played composition.
    elapsed Composition duration in format M:SS (minutes:seconds).
    total Composition length in format M:SS.
  • state_symbols (dict) –

    Symbols used for displaying state. Must contain all of the following keys:

    Key Description
    play Displayed when player is playing.
    pause Displayed when player is paused.
    stop Displayed when player is not playing anything.
    fallback Displayed if state is not one of the above or not known.
powerline.segments.common.players.spotify(state_symbols={u'fallback': u'', u'pause': u'~', u'stop': u'X', u'play': u'>'}, format=u'{state_symbol} {artist} - {title} ({total})')

Return spotify player information

Requires dbus python module.

This player segment should be added like this:

        "function": "powerline.segments.common.players.spotify",
        "name": "player"

(with additional "args": {…} if needed).

Highlight groups used: player_fallback or player, player_play or player, player_pause or player, player_stop or player.

  • format (str) –

    Format used for displaying data from player. Should be a str.format-like string with the following keyword parameters:

    Parameter Description
    state_symbol Symbol displayed for play/pause/stop states. There is also “fallback” state used in case function failed to get player state. For this state symbol is by default empty. All symbols are defined in state_symbols argument.
    album Album that is currently played.
    artist Artist whose song is currently played
    title Currently played composition.
    elapsed Composition duration in format M:SS (minutes:seconds).
    total Composition length in format M:SS.
  • state_symbols (dict) –

    Symbols used for displaying state. Must contain all of the following keys:

    Key Description
    play Displayed when player is playing.
    pause Displayed when player is paused.
    stop Displayed when player is not playing anything.
    fallback Displayed if state is not one of the above or not known.
powerline.segments.common.players.spotify_apple_script(state_symbols={u'fallback': u'', u'pause': u'~', u'stop': u'X', u'play': u'>'}, format=u'{state_symbol} {artist} - {title} ({total})')

Return spotify player information

Requires osascript available in $PATH.

This player segment should be added like this:

        "function": "powerline.segments.common.players.spotify_apple_script",
        "name": "player"

(with additional "args": {…} if needed).

Highlight groups used: player_fallback or player, player_play or player, player_pause or player, player_stop or player.

  • format (str) –

    Format used for displaying data from player. Should be a str.format-like string with the following keyword parameters:

    Parameter Description
    state_symbol Symbol displayed for play/pause/stop states. There is also “fallback” state used in case function failed to get player state. For this state symbol is by default empty. All symbols are defined in state_symbols argument.
    album Album that is currently played.
    artist Artist whose song is currently played
    title Currently played composition.
    elapsed Composition duration in format M:SS (minutes:seconds).
    total Composition length in format M:SS.
  • state_symbols (dict) –

    Symbols used for displaying state. Must contain all of the following keys:

    Key Description
    play Displayed when player is playing.
    pause Displayed when player is paused.
    stop Displayed when player is not playing anything.
    fallback Displayed if state is not one of the above or not known.
powerline.segments.common.players.spotify_dbus(state_symbols={u'fallback': u'', u'pause': u'~', u'stop': u'X', u'play': u'>'}, format=u'{state_symbol} {artist} - {title} ({total})')

Return spotify player information

Requires dbus python module.

This player segment should be added like this:

        "function": "powerline.segments.common.players.spotify",
        "name": "player"

(with additional "args": {…} if needed).

Highlight groups used: player_fallback or player, player_play or player, player_pause or player, player_stop or player.

  • format (str) –

    Format used for displaying data from player. Should be a str.format-like string with the following keyword parameters:

    Parameter Description
    state_symbol Symbol displayed for play/pause/stop states. There is also “fallback” state used in case function failed to get player state. For this state symbol is by default empty. All symbols are defined in state_symbols argument.
    album Album that is currently played.
    artist Artist whose song is currently played
    title Currently played composition.
    elapsed Composition duration in format M:SS (minutes:seconds).
    total Composition length in format M:SS.
  • state_symbols (dict) –

    Symbols used for displaying state. Must contain all of the following keys:

    Key Description
    play Displayed when player is playing.
    pause Displayed when player is paused.
    stop Displayed when player is not playing anything.
    fallback Displayed if state is not one of the above or not known.