powerline manual page


powerline EXT [SIDE] [-rMODULE] [-w] [--last_exit_code=INT]
          [--last_pipe_status=LIST] [--jobnum=INT]
          [-pPATH]… [--socket=ADDRESS]


Extension: application for which powerline command is launched (usually shell or tmux).
Side: left and right represent left and right side respectively, above emits lines that are supposed to be printed just above the prompt and aboveleft is like concatenating above with left with the exception that only one Python instance is used in this case.
-r, --renderer_module MODULE
Renderer module. Usually something like .bash or .zsh, is supposed to be set only in shell-specific bindings file.
-w, --width
Maximum prompt with. Triggers truncation of some segments.
--last_exit_code INT
Last exit code.
--last_pipe_status LIST
Like above, but is supposed to contain space-separated array of statuses, representing exit statuses of commands in one pipe.
--jobnum INT
Number of jobs.
-c, --config KEY.KEY=VALUE
Configuration overrides for config.json. Is translated to a dictionary and merged with the dictionary obtained from actual JSON configuration: KEY.KEY=VALUE is translated to {"KEY": {"KEY": VALUE}} and then merged recursively. VALUE may be any JSON value, values that are not null, true, false, start with digit, {, [ are treated like strings. If VALUE is omitted then corresponding key is removed.
-t, --theme_option THEME.KEY.KEY=VALUE
Like above, but theme-specific. THEME should point to an existing and used theme to have any effect, but it is fine to use any theme here.
-R, --renderer_arg KEY=VAL
Like above, but provides argument for renderer. Is supposed to be used only by shell bindings to provide various data like last_exit_code or last_pipe_status (they are not using --renderer_arg for historical resons: --renderer_arg was added later).
-p, --config_path PATH
Path to configuration directory. If it is present then configuration files will only be seeked in the provided path. May be provided multiple times to search in a list of directories.
--socket ADDRESS
Socket address to use in daemon clients. Is always UNIX domain socket on linux and file socket on Mac OS X. Not used here, present only for compatibility with other powerline clients. This argument must always be the first one and be in a form --socket ADDRESS: no = or short form allowed (in other powerline clients, not here).
-h, --help
Display help and exit.


Written by Kim Silkebækken, Nikolay Pavlov, Kovid Goyal and contributors. The glyphs in the font patcher are created by Fabrizio Schiavi.

Reporting bugs

Report powerline bugs to https://github.com/Lokaltog/powerline/issues.

See also

powerline-daemon(1), powerline-config(1)