powerline-config manual page


powerline-config [-pPATH]… tmux ACTION
powerline-config [-pPATH]… shell ACTION [COMPONENT] [-sSHELL]


-p, --config-path PATH
Path to configuration directory. If it is present then configuration files will only be seeked in the provided path. May be provided multiple times to search in a list of directories.
-h, --help
Display help and exit.

Arguments specific to tmux subcommand

If action is source then version-specific tmux configuration files are sourced, if it is setenv then special (prefixed with _POWERLINE) tmux global environment variables are filled with data from powerline configuration.
-h, --help
Display help and exit.

Arguments specific to shell subcommand

If action is command then preferred powerline command is output, if it is uses then powerline-config script will exit with 1 if specified component is disabled and 0 otherwise.
Only applicable for uses subcommand: makes powerline-config exit with 0 if specific component is enabled and with 1 otherwise. tmux component stands for tmux bindings (e.g. those that notify tmux about current directory changes), prompt component stands for shell prompt.
-s, --shell SHELL
Shell for which query is run
-h, --help
Display help and exit.


Written by Kim Silkebækken, Nikolay Pavlov, Kovid Goyal and contributors. The glyphs in the font patcher are created by Fabrizio Schiavi.

Reporting bugs

Report powerline-config bugs to https://github.com/powerline/powerline/issues.

See also
