Window manager widgets

Awesome widget


Powerline currently only supports awesome 3.5.


The Powerline widget will spawn a shell script that runs in the background and updates the statusline with awesome-client.

Add the following to rc.lua, where {repository_root} is the absolute path to Powerline installation directory:

package.path = package.path .. ';{repository_root}/powerline/bindings/awesome/?.lua'

Then add the powerline_widget to wibox:


Qtile widget

Add the following to ~/.config/qtile/

from powerline.bindings.qtile.widget import Powerline

screens = [
                # ...
                # ...

LemonBoy’s bar

To run the bar simply pipe the output of the binding script into bar and specify appropriate options, for example like this:

python /path/to/powerline/bindings/bar/ | bar

to run with i3, simply exec this in i3 config file:

exec python /path/to/powerline/bindings/bar/ --i3 | bar

See the bar documentation for more information and options.

I3 bar


As the patch to include background-colors in i3bar is likely not to be merged, it is recommended to instead run bar (see above). The source for i3bgbar is however still available here.

Add the following to ~/.i3/config:

bar {
    i3bar_command i3bgbar

    status_command python /path/to/powerline/bindings/i3/
    font pango:PowerlineFont 12

where i3bgbar may be replaced with the path to the custom i3bar binary and PowerlineFont is any system font with powerline support.