Source code for powerline.listers.i3wm

# vim:fileencoding=utf-8:noet
from __future__ import (unicode_literals, division, absolute_import, print_function)

from powerline.theme import requires_segment_info
from powerline.lib.dict import updated
from powerline.bindings.wm import get_i3_connection, get_connected_xrandr_outputs

[docs]def output_lister(pl, segment_info): '''List all outputs in segment_info format ''' return ( ( updated(segment_info, output=output['name']), { 'draw_inner_divider': None } ) for output in get_connected_xrandr_outputs(pl) )
[docs]def workspace_lister(pl, segment_info, only_show=None, output=None): '''List all workspaces in segment_info format Sets the segment info values of ``workspace`` and ``output`` to the name of the i3 workspace and the ``xrandr`` output respectively and the keys ``"visible"``, ``"urgent"`` and ``"focused"`` to a boolean indicating these states. :param list only_show: Specifies which workspaces to list. Valid entries are ``"visible"``, ``"urgent"`` and ``"focused"``. If omitted or ``null`` all workspaces are listed. :param str output: May be set to the name of an X output. If specified, only workspaces on that output are listed. Overrides automatic output detection by the lemonbar renderer and bindings. Set to ``false`` to force all workspaces to be shown. ''' if output == None: output = output or segment_info.get('output') return ( ( updated( segment_info, output=w['output'], workspace={ 'name': w['name'], 'visible': w['visible'], 'urgent': w['urgent'], 'focused': w['focused'], }, ), { 'draw_inner_divider': None } ) for w in get_i3_connection().get_workspaces() if (((not only_show or any(w[typ] for typ in only_show)) and (not output or w['output'] == output))) )