Source code for powerline.segments.common.vcs

# vim:fileencoding=utf-8:noet
from __future__ import (unicode_literals, division, absolute_import, print_function)

from powerline.lib.vcs import guess, tree_status
from powerline.segments import Segment, with_docstring
from powerline.theme import requires_segment_info, requires_filesystem_watcher

class BranchSegment(Segment):
	divider_highlight_group = None

	def get_directory(segment_info):
		return segment_info['getcwd']()

	def __call__(self, pl, segment_info, create_watcher, status_colors=False, ignore_statuses=()):
		name = self.get_directory(segment_info)
		if name:
			repo = guess(path=name, create_watcher=create_watcher)
			if repo is not None:
				branch = repo.branch()
				scol = ['branch']
				if status_colors:
						status = tree_status(repo, pl)
					except Exception as e:
						pl.exception('Failed to compute tree status: {0}', str(e))
						status = '?'
						status = status and status.strip()
						if status in ignore_statuses:
							status = None
					scol.insert(0, 'branch_dirty' if status else 'branch_clean')
				return [{
					'contents': branch,
					'highlight_group': scol,
					'divider_highlight_group': self.divider_highlight_group,

branch = with_docstring(BranchSegment(),
'''Return the current VCS branch.

:param bool status_colors:
	Determines whether repository status will be used to determine highlighting. 
	Default: False.
:param bool ignore_statuses:
	List of statuses which will not result in repo being marked as dirty. Most 
	useful is setting this option to ``["U"]``: this will ignore repository 
	which has just untracked files (i.e. repository with modified, deleted or 
	removed files will be marked as dirty, while just untracked files will make 
	segment show clean repository). Only applicable if ``status_colors`` option 
	is True.

Highlight groups used: ``branch_clean``, ``branch_dirty``, ``branch``.